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From the beginning of the year to now I’ve grown a lot, as a student and in my picture taking. I used to think that taking pictures was “easy” and that photographers get too much credit, but taking good pictures is hard to do. Angles, focal length, lighting, are all things that go into getting good quality photos, and for some (me) it’s hard. The best part about taking pictures is once you get that shot that you’ve been waiting for you’re proud of it. The bad part about taking pictures for me is that they don’t turn out like I hope sometimes and It takes a long time to capture what you’ve been waiting for. Taking fall pictures was my favorite out of all the assignments we had. While taking these pictures I looked for angles and lighting more, and they turned out to be unique which was cool. I also got to take them with my friends which is always fun.

Since I’ve been in Multimedia every time I see a sunset or literally anything I think, “Woah this would be such a pretty picture.” Taking pictures is really fun for me now because it gives me something to do and it’s fun seeing if the crazy ideas you think of for a picture turn out good or not. Multimedia has helped me become more creative and has taught me that there’s a lot more that goes into getting that “perfect” picture than what just meets the eye.

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